‘Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular’ Fireworks Set To Debut at Disney’s Hollywood Studios Starting...
The new nighttime show will be the most elaborate fireworks display in the park’s history.
‘Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire’ Stage Show Begins June 17 at the Magic Kingdom
The new show will feature characters from “Frozen,” “Tangled” and “The Princess and the Frog.”
Experience Classic Soarin’ at Epcot Before Soarin’ Around the World Debuts on June 17
On May 27, the classic version of Soarin’ returns to The Land pavilion with its new 3rd theater before the new "Soarin' around the World" debuts.
Town Center at Disney Springs Now Open
The first phase of the new Disney Springs area has opened up with new retail and dining options.
SeaWorld Orlando Reveals Details about Mako’s Shark Wreck Reef
Orlando’s Tallest, Fastest and Longest Coaster To Be The Centerpiece Of All-New Shark Wreck Reef
Paddlefish to Open at Disney Springs in Fall 2016
Fulton’s Crab House is getting a make-over.
Star Wars Celebration Returns to Orlando in 2017
The popular 4-day event returns to Orlando from April 13-16, 2017, at the Orange County Convention Center.
‘Frozen’ Games Begin May 27 at Disney’s Blizzard Beach
Starting May 27 and running through Aug. 21, guests visiting Blizzard Beach will be able to participate in a variety of winter-themed activities.
SeaWorld Orlando Announces 2 More Acts for 2016’s Viva la Música
Willie Colón & Wisin have been added to this year's final weekend concert line-up.
SeaWorld Orlando and Guy Harvey Partner for Ocean Health and Shark Conservation
The two organizations will partner to raise awareness of these important issues, and collaborate on science and research to increase understanding of how to better protect these critical predators and their habitats.